Arion Place, Brooklyn, New York

Brown Bird performs at apt. 109 Opera House Lofts. August 11, 2007

Piney Woods Rd., Monkton, Vermont

The cast and crew on the last night. That's a wrap!

Piney Woods Rd., Monkton, Vermont

Hells fuckin' yeah, totally fuckin' metal!

Piney Woods Rd., Monkton, Vermont

EXT. VILLAGE - DAWN Scene #169
Camera comes out from behind a hut to reveal the decimated
village, now peopled solely by wandering zombies.
Zombie-Sandy crouches by a nearby hut, gnawing on a detached
arm. Her yellow eyes dart up at the sound of the chief’s hut
Kohi comes out, sword drawn, with Anna at his side.
Zombie-Sandy stands. Zoom in on a shocked Anna...

Piney Woods Rd., Monkton, Vermont

"Even when we are diligent, when we give Amanae the sacrifices that are his due...still he sends his winds of destruction upon us... Why should we follow his law, when we receive injustice in return?"

Randall's Island, New York, New York

Rage Against the Machine. July 28th, 2007.