On the road #1

Atlanta, GA.
I love and miss: Wendi and New York and Claire and Angelika Kitchen and Powsner and Elena and Snow and my car and maps and Minya and Vermont and Crandall and fucking shit up and DMLH and fucking shit up with DMLH and the river and 2179 Downingsville Road and Graham and my records and my bed and that field in Lincoln before they built a house in it and Alex Martin and the way he climbs trees and taking pictures without knowing anything about taking pictures and Grace and Zak and Eric and Emily and the corner store and skateboarding and not getting hurt when I fall and my Pop and the days before cell phones and row boating and Nick Patch and the time before scientists agreed dinosaurs had feathers and how I used to want to be a palentologist and I how I used to think and India and Vivek and being nieve and not caring that I was nieve and the time before I drank heavily and selling weed with Crandall and smoking weed with anyone and not being paranoid about cops and Mt. Abe, the actual mountain and Aurora and Abbi and Carmie and Rodey Burritt and Monkton Pond and Lake Champlain and believing in Champ and driving in blinding snow storms and my high hopes and the Rooftop kids and having things wiped from my permenent record and Deerleap and Trey and the Burlington punk rockers and Sky and Sky and Yale and bocce and Powsner family events and Eth and Ev and stopping to pee late at night on a dirt road and notcing Orion in the southern sky and Monkton and Bristol and Donny and Soph and Nina and Mike C. and people just walking in to 109 without knocking and random Hampshire kids at the bar and B&H and tofu and days off and Stowe and the Des-bros and the Grey Bros and BigRodd and Ena and Anna and a good frisbee game and lentil soup and Clyde and Jill and Bristol girls and Cubber's before I thought it gross and Black and White and Prospect Park and the Whitney on Friday nights and paying the Met a penny and the roof of the Met in the fall and Reggie's and the bakery the way it used to be and Caleb and stopping in on Minya when he still lived in South Starks when I would come back from Sugarbush and Talbott and the good times and the bad times and Alex Kelly and the Boxcar and short films randomly screened in the Opera House and playing pool in the afternoon and sleeping in and fucking around in general and Kingdom and fucking around in general with Kingdom and the days before I wasted time with blogs and the days when I just did whatever and the Dalai Lama and my momma and New Haven and Starksboro and Madeline and Dre and Noah and Stephen and Kate and Kate being down and Molly and Kiara and Piney Woods Road and Life Cafe and Neil Young and Mary Bolton and Russell and TT and Nissa and Eli and Gailer school kids and running into them at concerts and Dev and how we all used to live up there and land lines and answering machines and prayer flags and futons and wood stoves and the Powsner boys and their crazy drive way and walking back to Opera House from Life on that grimey street and getting drunk in Boston and spending way too much money on records and David Hoene and Deanna and Aaron Jacobs and Mr. Lexicon and Matt Moyer and driving into Bristol and eating Wokkies and the Williamsburg Bridge and the J train and staying up all night and having the time and not having debt and McCollough turnpike at night and the first snow and the New York skyline from the BQE after being away for a while and Serenity and Michael and Betsy and Joseph and Sam and Mountain Road as an escape route and Ernesto and lunches with Ernesto and Anais and reggae fest and Vermont summers the way they used to be and recycling and Zim and Mimi and Zim and Mimi as a thing and Montreal and Pete Wallis and Casey Macker and living on McKibbin Street and Daniel and snowboarding and Merle and Lucia and the Broughton boys and Hardscabble Road and Crandall's old Saab and my old Geo and Cheyenne and Silas and Ryan and the Lower East Side on a Thursday and the after Rooftop drink and walking home from the train in the evening and getting the mail and having good parties and Cat and Kali and sitting on the porch with lemonade and the way it gets quite in the Opera House in the morning, when all you can hear is the train and just sitting there smoking a cigarette before anyone gets up and listening to the ca-clunk-ca-clunk on the tracks...and...and...I can't fucking wait to get home.


Anonymous said...

thanks. i really enjoyed this. vermont is the best place in the world eh? i am feeling the homesickness... also - i dont mind mouse highways, but i know my girl would... right now, i mean in late march, i am missing that wet mineral dirt smell... you know.

also - the b+w collage i put on the 937 hub the other day... it was old and i dont have it anymore, but i found a photo of it... the nyc landscape in the background is one of your photos. it was an extra from the time you had me print all those dwarf valley photos in burlington. check it out. see you sometime.


That was really beautiful.
I love run on sentences with lots of "and"s.
And I love you for writing that.
And I love that one can take all those things and tuck them away into one's heart, folded up small (yet sometimes swelling up so big you can barely take it!) and that little glowing ball of warmth will light and heat even the coldest, darkest day in a strange, unfamiliar place, all from within that tiny spot in your chest where true knowing comes from anyway.

Yeah... -d.

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