New Mexico, the land of enchantment

Whenever I have traveled through the Southwest, I am often struck by the beauty of the textures, the colors and the light...

...a handmade chair, in the low winter sunlight.

...the geometry of the shadows and snow on cubical rocks.
...the contrast of a snowy roof against that deep blue sky.

...the eroded holes of a soft sandstone cliff.
...reaching aspen branches.

...electric wires meeting an adobe wall.

...barbed wire in a snowy pasture in Taos.

...blocks of adobe in a city center.

...the sun along a crack in an old shed....
America can seem so vast, but theses small scale scenes out in the back hollows or on the front porch can show you what it's really made of. It's the government I hate and this land that I love. It is amazing out there... December, 2009.

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